Friday 15 May 2015

A sleeptrack optimization program for your solution

3. Regular bedtime. 
Go to sleep at a fixed time. 

4. Associate your bed with sleep
A bed is for us to sleep (and sex). Read, watch TV or surf on net in bed is not recommended as they stimulate your brain and make you awake.

5. Dietary rules.
Do not eat too much spicy food just before bedtime. Whole grains high in magnesium helps. Fish such such as salmon, halibut and tuna regulates our sleep-wake rhythm. Bananas and chickpeas contain vitamin B6 helps. Vegetables rich in calcium such as cabbage, broccoli, watercress, turnip green, sprouts, parsnips and turnips are good. 

Fizzy drinks, coffee, tea and alcohol can actually stimulate rather then calm you.  Herbal tea makes you drowsy delicious.  Cherry juice helps patients with chronic sleep problems. The best drink before bed is a cup of warm milk, a home remedy to help you fall asleep fast. 

These tips will generally help with your sleeping habit.  However, if you want to know more, here is a powerful program which can solve your sleep solution.  Check this out! 

All the best!
LN Lee

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